Saturday, November 22, 2008

PLR for Newbie Checklist......Cheap!

Learning how to build websites is important, however, once you figure out how to build your website you need to figure out what type of content you might want on the site. You also will want to determine whether or not to monetize the webiste...a fancy way of saying make money with your website.

All too often newbies enter the internet marketing niche. While that niche isn't bad, it's very competitive. But if you insist on getting involved with Internet Marketing I have some great content to provide for your website visitors.

If you are targeting the "Make Money" niche, and want to help out your customers... I have just what you need! I found this the other day, and I wanted to let you know about it.

Before I get into what the offer is, I want to first say that most profitable sub-niche in internet marketing is targeting the new crowd, newbies. There is so many new people coming into this market, and they are looking for easy, and useful information for them to get started with.

So that brings me to the NewbieChecklist w/ PLR, its great package that offers everything you need to start building a list of buyers, and target the newbies. :)

I am going to let the video explain the deal...

Affiliate Video Brander

This is a perfect package to help out newbies, because its so simple. I am not kidding when I tell you that its so much easier to learn from a simple checklist than a long drawn out ebook… So give your customers what they want with these checklists.

You can easily brand them and put out as your own, and start helping your clients and customers out…

With these checklists you can…

  • Add them to your exsiting product and INSTANTLY increase the value and effectiveness of your product. Your customers will thank you for it!

  • ReBrand them and sell them in a neat little bundle like this with Resale Rights and start earning an extra income on the side without effort!

  • E-mail your list for a quick (huge) turn-around for your purchase price, infact you are start making a HUGE return right now!

  • Add this to your membership site, and help out your customers while adding huge value… without effort!

  • Create an entire new product based around these checklist, and create a new revenue model easily!

  • Use them as a simple coahcing program. Every week they get a new checklist, and person coaching…

  • The options are endless!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jimmy D Brown offers Free PLR Product

FREE PLR Package

We build websites to sell products or services, share information, talk about ourselves and for a variety of reasons. Many people build websites to sell information products...the trick is to sell quality information...not garbage. Read below for detailed list of what you can put up for sale and start your internet marketing business.

You are not going to believe this.

Jimmy D. Brown is offering PLR rights to some of his best reports and products (some NEVER-BEFORE-RELEASED!) for a very limited time only. Jimmy D. Brown one of Internet Marketing's most renowned teachers has done all the hard work for you. He has been my mentor...a steady rock in the sea of internet marketin confusion....he is someone you can trust absolutely.

How many times have you thought about offering an ebook, course or even membership on Internet marketing but you just weren't sure where to start. Who has the time to create all the material from scratch, organize it and still have time to market it? Now you don't have to.

There are three packages available and in the spirit of Christmas, he's giving away the Bronze package without any strings attached. Just go to the site and download the materials.

The Silver And Gold packages are *literally* pennies on the dollar (try 97% off regular price for the gold pack!)

There are so many things you can do with these products -

* Create your own original articles.
* Build rebrandable reports.
* Edit them and sell them as your own.
* Convert them into audio products.
* Develop a coaching program around them.
* Stock a membership site with them.
* Extract parts for blog posts.

The ideas are endless ...

... but the availability of these packages is not!

So, I strongly encourage you to go right now and download the free Bronze PLR Package before it is no longer available.

And check out the other two packages while you are there.

Even if you don't plan on using them until down the road, you won't find better quality content for the price. And, they simply won't be around very long.

If you're not ready to buy the silver or gold package, you owe it to yourself to at least grab the free bronze package. Remember - you get full PLR rights to the article and report. Rebrand it and hand it out to your affiliates, or sell it to your list. Grab the bronze package at no cost to you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Mac/PC buyer's guide video

Mac vs. PC - which is best?

Driving Traffic to your website with Video is one of the hottest potatoes in the internet marketing world. And of course with new technology comes a new learning experience....such as, which computer should I use. Two years ago I took a course and they almost force fed Mac's down your throat......don't know what's wrong with me, but I just couldn't swallow.

Anyway...take a look at the below video for a good explaination of what is good and what is bad about both PC's and Mac's for video production and you make up your mind. Whatever the result, remember, either will do the job!

Insider video of the day: "Mac or PC? Desktop or Laptop? Web
Video Producers Want to Know..."

This settles the debate over which computer systems and software
are the best for producing web videos.

If you're wondering what system and software to get, check out
this video now:

PC or Mac .... Video Equipment


  • Which is better for producing Web video, a Mac or a PC?

  • Should you get a laptop or a desktop?

  • What's the best software for producing Web videos and Webinars

  • Which accessories are "must-haves" or "nice-to-haves"

  • Where are the best places to buy everything


P.S This is exactly the type of video content you want to make and blast out
all over the Web to get top rankings, traffic and leads.

PC or Mac for Video Production

P.P.S. Send this to anyone you know who's thinking about making "the switch"
or thinking about getting a new machine.

P.P.P.S Stop by my blog and get a free guide on How to Video Blog!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Free Camera Guide for Making Website Video

Your Video Business Starts with the Right Camera

Before you can start using video on your need to make
it first and if you're going to make promotional videos of people, places
or things....then you might want to know "What kind of Video Camera
and equipment do I get? Check out the link a little further down for a
free ebook and video on chosing the right camera.

Check out this insider video. It's by a guy with a business
that has submitted more than 3 million Web videos in two
years—so he knows what he's talking about when it comes to
He calls it "The Video Camera Buyer's Guide: What to Buy
and Where to Get It."

He's got a killer way to start a full or part time Web
video business that I'll tell you about in a few days.
But this is where it all starts…with the right camera.
He goes through all of them in this video from the new Flip
cameras and Webcams all the way up to the HD "prosumer"
models-and everything in between.
Plus he shows you which microphones to use and what the
must-have accessories are.
This is great stuff—especially if you're looking to make
money with Web video:

P.S. This is exactly the type of content video he teaches
people how to make and blast out all over the Web to
generate leads, top search rankings and $$$. You'll see
what I mean:

Grab your free Video Camera Guide today!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

How Do I Build a Website?

Every aspiring webmaster starts in a slightly different way. Some might have a teacher, some might learn in high school, maybe college, others grab a book and start reading, nowadays you can do a google search for free tutorials on "how to build a website" as you can see you are almost limited to your imagination or maybe fate!

I started by wondering how that page showed up in the browser. Honestly, I didn't know what the word "browser" meant. I had no idea what html was and I didn't know what "source code" defined.

The first time I looked at the html coding for a basic webpage my old gray cells started spinning, it literally is like learning a foreign language. And like a foreign language once you learn the basics you can form words, then sentences, then paragraphs and so on.

I started around 1999 by purchasing a couple of hard cover books on how to build a website. They were difficult to read and didn't make much sense. I had no one to help me so I had to experiment myself.

I understood a little about how to build a basic page, then I learned more basics such as how to code an image into a me the learning is continual. Next I decided that I would look into a program that would build websites that had 2 views, something called a WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get) and a view that showed you the complete html source code while building your website.

The program I ultimately decided to purchase was called Dreamweaver. Now, Dreamweaver is one of the most powerful software programs that can build websites. Learning Dreamweaver was almost as difficult as trying to learn html coding! The learning curve was extremely steep. I purchase manuals and video tutorials. Finally I felt competent enough to purchase a domain name and try to put up my first website. I did and you can see the first website I did at It's really not pretty and there's so much wrong with it that I could write a book....but I took action and did something.

Remember, your first website will be the worse website you'll ever build. They only get better through time!

Today there are so many options that it would take many pages to discuss what is available. However I can narrow it down to a couple of the best.

First let me say, I really think it's important for anyone wanting to design websites to make an effort to learn html, css and php. It doesn't matter what you use for building your websites, sooner or latter you will run into a situation that needs manual editing of the html source code. Not knowing how to do that will leave you in the dark....but that's where your education starts. A problem find out how to fix it.

Today I would recommend 2 different types of programs for building websites.

The first one is called a wordpress blog. Wordpress is a blogging content management platform used to build your blog. If you can get someone to install a blog on your website, you'll be able to stumble along from day one writing posts and pages. Wordpress is very popular and you'll be able to find many free and paid for tutorials explaining how to use and configure wordpress, which would be something you'll want to do to get the most out of Wordpress. Here's a couple of different wordpress blogs:

You can start a wordpress blog on your own domain, which is what I would recommend. However, if you just want to play around to see what blogging might be like you can set up a wordpress blog that is hosted by wordpress just go to and set up an account. I'd be remiss not to mention Blogger, you can also set up your own blog that is hosted by Blogger. Be aware though, if you start a blog in which you DO NOT control the hosting, you could lose it at any moment. If you post something they consider offensive or in violation of their terms, or maybe someone just doesn't like you......they can dump your blog and you'll lose all your work. Beware, that happened to me at Blogger. I lost a blog I had worked on for 2 know why, they didn't like some of my internet marketing ads...period then end, in a flash it was gone.

Next would be a website building program called Xsitepro. This program is probably the simplest way to start building a standard or static website. As with anything else you'll have to spend some time learning how to use the program. But don't worry, it comes with video tutorials and a written manual. Plus you can find many tutorials online and there is a user forum that is filled with helpful people....just post a question and someone will usually answer it in hours.

Xsitepro is particularly suited for newbies to learn how to build websites. It features a WYSIWYG editor, meaning you just type into a window...something similar to Microsoft Word. You can also view the source code and edit it. Even though it's easily used by someone new to website building, there are many advanced features and is a handy tool for even the most experienced website builder.

A big, big benefit of Xsitepro is how it puts the pages together. You may not understand this now, but certain things are needed to get traffic or visitors to your website. It's known as "Search Engine Optimization", and this is what Xsitepro does automatically. A hundred pages or more could be written on how Xsitepro does this, but suffice it to say, Xsitepro builds websites and webpages and are search engine optimized...which for you means traffic.

If you're new to building websites and want to build websites, consider investing in Xsitepro. If the budget is tight or non existent, just try using's free!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Niche Health Products Provides 2 Free Websites Each Month

Are you an Xsitepro user?

Do you want to further explore Internet Marketing?

Don't know what niche or subject to get into?

Maybe you purchased Xsitepro just to manage your own personal or business website but now see the potential of xsitepro and how easy it is to build websites....on top of that, you've discovered the bold new world of internet marketing and you are thinking you'd like to explore it further and build some websites in other areas of interest to you that might generate some additional income.

Let me suggest that you use your Xsitepro program to build a series of health related websites, stick an email and name capture form on each website and start building a list. You could even add a wordpress blog to your xsitepro website, ideally, you would want your blog to seamlessly integrate with your website.

Your list could be based on health subject or some aspect of healthy living.

Search for affiliate products that might cure or help with the specific health topic and promote it to your list related to that health product or send it to multiple lists or even all your lists.

There are many health related products that are distributed through distributors. You can join that company, and promote that particular product. The key is that you first build a list. I joined and use a product called GoChi which is a hybrid of Goji juice. I've gotten tremendous results, so I can honestly promote it in an effort to help others like me.

A big problem in implementing the above business model is coming up with the content for your health subject, things like articles or ebooks and putting together the needed websites.

Well....I have the solution for you. A PLR membership called Niche Health Products provides you with 2 Health Related topics a month. Each month you get the following for each subject:

  • 1 Custom Designed Xsitepro and HTML website template

  • 1 Custom Website already built with 10 PLR articles ready to upload

  • 20 additional PLR articles

  • health snippets

  • Full Graphics Package, header, footer, ebook covers & more

  • 1 PLR ebook on the specific subject

  • high paying keyword list

  • Bonus Articles

The articles, ebook, and minisites provided by Niche Health Products are of excellent quality. You will not find better written PLR articles and with the keywords provided you can focus in on specific long tailed keywords which will bring visitors that are more likely to take action.

Let me tell you that one of the most valuable aspects of the Niche Health Products membership is the fact that you get 2 custom designed Xsitepro website templates. Do you realize that if you were to have a custom xsitepro template designed for you it could cost you up to $500 per template. You get all the images that make up the templates. You get the source code images so you can actually edit these images and create a new custom version of the templates. As an xsitepro user you will find out that the website templates are the main component of creating a website with Xsitepro Website Software....and having custom templates allows you great flexibility along with giving you the freedom you need to create many variations of a Health Theme. Check out this video for a little idea of what you'll be getting, template wise:

There's many things you can do with your Niche Health Products membership. You could develop you own minisite virtual real estate empire. You could use the templates on other websites you own. You might want to create websites for health professionals using the content rich minisites and articles as fodder for the search engines. Of course you'd want to encourage the health professional to join NHP through your affiliate link for additional monthly recurring income.

Don't miss this opportunity because Kim puts a cap on the Niche Health Product membership in an effort to keep the competition low. I've only touched on a small number of ways to use your NHP membership, with a little imagination and creativity you could really make the most of this valuable PLR membership.