Thought I'd post my personal testimonial for Article Stalker.
Article Stalker is a script that collects reprint articles from article directories and is the brain child of Ed Chaisson.
Here's the big benefit of Article Stalker. Everyone knows that blogs need constant fresh content, that can be repurposed content in any form and reprint articles are perfect for this. You can keep a blog fresh with the feed from Article Stalker or you can create an entirely new blog with Article Stalker and Slick WP Autoposter ...... the reason you would want to use Slick WP Autoposter is because of the fact that you can create as many rss feeds as you want and mix them together, simply set the time of posting as the same time and the articles, blog posts, or snippets will intermix creating a truly unique blog!
That last sentence could be worth $1000's of dollars to you if you follow my advice..... but be happy because most will read it ..... maybe file it away or completely dismiss the strategy :)
Anyway, here's my testimonial for ARticle Stalker spoken from the heart.
Hi Ed
I wanted to give you a testimonial for Article Stalker....and I really hate those hypey, over-the-top, hard sell type testimonials....but I'm really having a hard time keeping myself low keyed about this!
First, your videos and pdf instructional guides were top notch. I created the database and installed in less than 5 minutes!
I fired up Article Stalker for the first time and grabbed around 5000 articles about Website Design....unbelievable. Next I downloaded the .xml file (rss feed) and fired up Slick WP Autoposter with the new rss feed.
That's it...the pressure is off, I don't have to worry about posting to one of my WP blogs because Article Stalker is on the job :)
Reprint Articles Rock....especially since the masses have literally forgotten about them.
With a little research one can figure out how to use the RSS feed to autopost to Blogger Blogs, wordpress.com blogs, Xsitepro sites and standard html sites. In other words the content could be used over and over.
Here's a little secret strategy. Embed an "Ad" in the body of the article or before or after the article. Great way to advertise affiliate programs or get links back to specific blogs or sites. It takes a little work but with the "search" feature in a notepad editor you can edit a 200 article rss feed in 15 minutes, 30 at the most.
Great job on Article Stalker, this will be one of those tools I'll use forever....I don't think RSS feeds will every go away :)
Thanks for your efforts,
Scott Parat
The Xsitepro Guide
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