So many people are using wordpress or blogger to build websites today.....and for good reason, it's become very easy, you virtually do not have to know one bit of html...although I think that is to your detriment.
I wanted to include this
review of Wp Robot because it's involved in using wordpress to build websites, but it is also involved in another activity for quickly building websites and that is autoposting or autoblogging. This is the process of automatically adding quality content to a blog to create good quality content for the user or blog visitor. Of course, you can abuse the process and use autoblogging to quickly create a bunch of spam pages but Google will soon find out and it will be a big waste of your time.
Creating quality content through autoblogging can be tricky and that's why I'm so excited about a suite of plugins called Wp Robot. You'll be amazed at what it can please read on.
I've used many
autoblogging scripts, software and wordpress plugins over the last couple of years and if you search this blog for autoblogging, autoblog, autopost or
autoposting you'll find some informative posts on autoblogging. I've become somewhat of an autoblogging afficiando, so I thought I'd do a pre-Review of WP Robot just to get the information out there for anyone who is interesting in learning more about autoblogging or autoposting.
I've discovered one of the most important features of any autoposter is the ability to randomize and customize the post. The purpose is this is to create content that isn't just duplicate content, your blog will do much better with unique one of a kind content and that can be accomplished by adding to, changing or subtracting from any autoblogged content. Some of the standard autoposters work with the following sources of content:
- plr articles
- ebay
- amazon
- clickbank
- datafeeds
- rss
- reprint articles
- images such as Flickr
- public domain content
- plr ebooks
- youtube
- yahoo answers
There are many more sources of content that can be autoposted and as time goes on creative minds find new sources of content to use for autoposting along with new methods of autoposting. The methods and means of autoblogging are only getting better and better.
Recently I ran into a new and powerful
Autoblogging Wordpress Plugin called
WP Robot. I hope to have a copy soon, however, let me tell you want the plugin claims to be able to do.
First, let me clear something up. You might be wondering, "Why is Scott telling me about a plugin he hasn't even used?" That's a good question. First let me tell you there is a
free version of WP Robot and I wanted anyone who was interested in autoblogging not to be limited by the lack of can try it out with the free version of WPRobot and you can even start making some cash with it. Secondly, I believe this
WP Robot is one of the most complete
Autoposting plugins available yet!
Most autoblogging scripts or plugins come with the ability to post from one source, some even give you a couple of sources but I have not run into any that can create posts from 7 or 8 different sources and allows you to mix up the posts.
You should also know there are several different licenses available. Anything from a common ebay module to a
developers license for the entire set of modules.
Wp Robot is set up with different modules. Each module can run by itself or you can purchase the entire set of modules. The modules are as follows:
Amazon Module
Article Module
eBay Module
Clickbank Module
Yahoo Answers Module
Translation Module
Flickr Image Module
Although I don't have the full version yet, based on what I've read it appears as though this set of modules can be edited and configured to post in very unique and different ways. This is a big benefit for anyone who is an autoposter because no 2 posts will ever be the same. For anyone who fears the duplicate content penalty, this should make them very comfortable. Also, the posts can be configured so that it is next to impossible for the Google spiders to tell where and how the content was imported and assembled. This means the fear of your site being de-indexed is next to zero!
I. Amazon WP Robot AutoBlogger Module
Let's take a little closer look at some of the modules the can be included in the wprobot plugin. Starting with the Amazon Module.
Amazon Module lets you pull in any product that is sold on Amazon, plus you can add the reviews that people post on Amazon as additional content in the form of comments to your blog post. This is an excellent way to get unique content on your blog. Here are some of the features:a
-user defined keyword determines which products are selected
-works with Amazon's affiliate program earning you cash with every purchase
-this is really can show different information in each of your amazon blog posts such as product description, images, feature lists, reviews, number of reviews, product rating and of course the price. Add all of these or pick only 1....very cool for creating unique content
-if you want the full Amazon Description, it's possible to scrape the entire description with would include tables and images and place in your blog post
-its unique because you can work with all international versions of Amazon
-you can completely customize the template for your Amazon posts
Consider some of these Testimonies
"WP Robot is an incredible tool for webmasters. I use it on several sites and have seen an increase in traffic and profits. One site went from $0 to an average of $5.00 a day in google adsense. I would recommend this tool to anyone with a WP blog. "
-- by Lonnie Kunkel from Website Development and Graphic Design
"I've been using WP Robot since it's release and I must admit I have been hugely impressed by this plugin and highly recommend buying it. I have also recommended this to several friends. Thanks guys this has already saved my tons of work on my blogs. regards Steve"
-- by Stephen Hawkins from Traffic Mystic - Web Traffic Strategies
"The only reason any one would say anything bad about WP Robot, is because they don't want other website owners to get their hands on this amazing tool. I invested in the highest version and the results have been undeniably empowering for all my blogs."
-- by Star Riley from Support Local Business
II. Article AutoPosting Module
The Article Module will pull in and add a complete article based on your specific keyword
The articles come from 2 big article directories and select an article from the 1000's of available articles. You can use several languages. Create your own template from the
templating system. You can control whether or not you want to conform to the TOS of the article directory by including the author's box or not! A handful of other options available.
III. eBay AutoBlogging Module
Pulling in ebay auctions is nothing new for
autoblogging. However, the way WP Robot does it is very different! There's a feature called MIX Feature which allows you to put ebay auctions into your other posts created by wp robot and just increases your chances of monetizing a blog post.
Here's a list of features from the salespage of wp robot:
* Create good-looking eBay auction posts on any keywords you want.
* Earn money for any sale you refer through the eBay affiliate program.
* Add up to 6 different auctions to a single post.
* Select which eBay website to use (i.e. ebay,com,,, etc)
* Editable post template and many other options, i.e. for better sorting and targeting results.
* MIX feature: Add auctions to posts created by any of WP Robot's other modules via the templating system.
IV. Clickbank AutoPosting Module
Clickbank gets more powerful and diverse every day. Clickbank makes a lot of people
(affiliates) a lot of money and
WP Robot allows you to drip feed posts with
Clickbank products into your wordpress blog posts. The template feature is a power method of creating unique blog posts and helps make these Clickbank ads different than any other you might see. The best part of the Clickbank AutoBlogging Module is that the folks at WP Robot offer this module for FREE!!
V. Yahoo Answers AutoBlog Module
Yahoo Answers can be an excellent source of subject related content for any blog. The way that content is pulled into your blog and formatted is what can make a difference on whether someone reads your post or skips past it and how it is interpreted by the search engines and indexing spiders.
WP Robot allows you to post your questions and answers in different languages. You can zoom into any niche or topic by choosing targetd questions from YA. Filter your results by categories along with an entire
list of options that can be uniquely customized.
VI. YouTube AutoPost Module
Google still goes nuts over video and adding Youtube videos to your blog can really turn it into a traffic magnet. Videos really do add to the stickiness of your blog, I know that I've personally been stopped by videos and watched videos from different blog posts even if I had no intention of staying at a site....
the videos kept me there.
WP Robot adds the
comments from Youtube which creates additional content because they become comments on your site. You can limit and pull the videos
according to language. Once again, the
template system allows you to create something unique, vary the size of the videos, which videos are displayed according to keyword and how they are displayed.
VII. Translation Auto-Posting Module
There's a whole section on the
WP Robot site for the translation module. This can be a very powerful feature because it works with the other modules translating them into other languages. Check out the details on the site for more info.
VIII. Flickr Image Auto-Blogging Module
Images are really cool. I design website templates, headers, ebook covers and software boxes....there's nothing like an appropriate image to
draw attention, create stopping power and motivate a website visitor to make a, I'm loving this
Flickr Image Autoposting Module! If you want to increase the stickiness of a blog post....add an image! With this module you can
add images to your posts or create an entire blog of images.
Once again, the MIX feature can work with templates and add images from Flickr to all your other modules where you are able to mix up the blog post into a completely unique combination of content....very powerful!
Here's a the feature list as posted on the WP Robot Site:
* Post images on any topic to your weblog on autopilot!
* Uses the official Flickr API (a API key is necessary to use this module).
* Create posts exactly like you want them to look with the templating option.
* Many customizable options, including choice of image size, licensing and sort mode.
* MIX feature: Add images to posts created by any of WP Robot's other modules via the templating system. With this powerful feature you can for example automatically add relevant thumbnails to articles posted by the article module.
Keep in mind, you can purchase a single module or you can combine modules. If you purchase all the modules you'll qualify for a significant discount. For instance, if you wanted the Flickr Module it would only cost you $20.00 and if you wanted the Clickbank Module....guess what, it's yours free of charge.
The folks over at WP Robot seem to have created a full featured customizable Wordpress plugin that is by far the most complex autoblogging or autoposting wordpress plugin available. You get instant delivery after you purchase. There is a
full money back guarantee and of course you will get full updates along with free support.
Most users will want to use this plugin for supplementing their blogs to keep them active. Some might want to create blogs entirely out of autoposted material. What I find very interesting is that the folks at WP Robot have added an
Autoblogging Developers License which will allow you to build blogs and then flip them. Could keep you busy for a long time, plus, this has become very popular and profitable if sold in the right venue!
I hope to get a full package very soon. I'll take the package for a full ride and create a couple of demo sites so you can see what is possible.....I'll contact the folks at WP Robot and see if I can offer the site in some sort of raffle so keep your eyes peeled for a notice!
I'd really be surprised if you made it through this long post. If you did, go over to
WP Robot and pick up the full I write this it is on sale for a nice discount. If funds are short, grab a module or 2 and try your hand at autoblogging to give you a feel on how these plugins work. You can always grab a free version of the autoposting plugin, check out the terms at
WP Robot.